This is one of the oldest or perhaps the oldest wooden church in Lithuania. the State protected building. Its size and adornment amazes visitors when they come for the first time. This church is included even in the list of the most beautiful churches on the websites of photographers. Unfortunately. during Soviet times. attempts to *cover* the beauty of the church with brick houses were made. You can notice its beauty only if come closer.
The third wooden church built in Prienai in 1750 survived the times. The first wooden church in Prienai was erected in 1609 but later was burned during the North War at the age of fewer than fifty years. A new church was built in 1674. and as it got older. a Neo-Baroque modern church was built. According to some historians. construction of the church was probably financed by the Butleriai Family of Earls. These noblemen built a magnificent castle on the shore in Prienai in the seventeenth century. a copy of Sisteron castle in France.
Today. the appearance of the church has changed. But the facade composition in Neo-Baroque style with two elegant towers has been preserved. The chapels were rebuilt in the second half of the nineteenth century. The sides of the church were extended. Small turrets embellish the chapels from the outside. The church has a brick fence. A brick chapel built at the end the nineteenth century is placed at the eastern corner of the church.