It is the biggest basilica-type church in the Baltic States. The church was built in 1932–1940 after Lithuania regained independence. In 1922 the idea to build a church as a symbol of thank-you to God for freedom regained in the temporary capital Kaunas emerged. However. construction was stopped by the Soviet occupation. The building was confiscated and used as premises for the Radio factory (later called “Banga”) after the war. In 1990 the church was returned to congregation. during the restoration of the church some changes were made in its project. The space in the church is in the style of a basilica with three naves. The architecture is monumental and laconic; the tower is 70 meters high. Visitors have the possibility to go to the observation deck on the church roof to enjoy the panoramic view of the city. You can reach this object from the New Town by an uncommon means of transport in Europe. a funicular mounted in 1931.