49.- Fountain of La Foncalada in Oviedo
This 9th century fountain. built during the reign of Alfonso III the Great (866-910). is the only example of civil construction for public purposes of the High Middle Ages. It protects the birth of a spring of drinking water emanating from the same soil that is collected in a pool covered by a body of ashlar masonry. with a rectangular plan with a bow and a barrel vault. whose upper part ends in a double slope. north and south. and ends laterally in smooth impost.
The main façade faces east; the Cross of Victory with the hike and the omega earrings of its arms is carved in relief in its pediment; the semi-circular arch is banked and cut into large stone voussoirs. In some ashlars there are remains of pious inscriptions.
This building bears witness to the concern for civil works of public utility and care for urban comfort by the sovereigns of the time.