21.- Church of Santa María del Conceyu in Llanes
The first documentary references of this church date back to the 13th century. although it is likely that there was already a chapel dedicated to La Magdalena and that it existed here. It is one of the greatest testimonies of Asturian Gothic and was declared a Cultural Interest Site in 1991. Today it is structured as a simple rectangular church with a quadrangular tower with a bell on the western side of its top. It has a nave and two aisles. choir and polygonal chevet. The nave has a starry vault and the aisles have ribbed vaults. whereas the chevet is covered with a ribbed vault of ogival lunettes. On the western portal. next to the tower. it has a semi-circular arch with smooth archivolts. columns. capitals and a running frieze. decorated with anthropomorphic and zoomorphic motifs. The façade of the south flank has a 17th century portico that protects a pointed arch door with five archivolts on columns and jambs. with anthropomorphic and vegetal decoration. They emphasize the altarpieces of the interior. of the 16th and 17th centuries. In the main altarpiece. Plateresque style. you can see a carving of Santiago Peregrino.
The clergy house. of Neogothic style. is attached to the chevet.