48.- Church of San Julián de los Prados in Oviedo
The Pre-Romanesque church of San Julián de los Prados is the oldest and largest of the Pre-Romanesque buildings that are still preserved. Built during the reign of Alfonso II the Chaste (792-842). it was dedicated to Saint Julian and his wife Saint Basilissa. In the year 897 it was donated to the Cathedral of Oviedo along *with its palaces. baths and triclinia* by Alfonso III the Great.
It consists of a Latin basilica with three naves. a transept formed by a large transverse nave. a tripartite chevet with three square chapels covered with barrel vaults. a portico at the foot and side rooms. Inside. the naves are separated by semi-circular arches on square pillars. The central nave is separated from the transversal by a transverse arch. on the sides of which there are two hollows with a stone arch. The ships and the transept are covered in a wooden cross frame. while the chapels use a barrel vault. On the central chapel there is an enclosure accessible from the outside through a mullioned window with three brick arches on two small marble columns.
The highlights are the paintings that decorate the stucco that covered all the interior of the walls and the vaults. which derive from Roman ornamental motifs. as well as the blind arcade that runs through the central apse. and the lattices that close the gaps (only one is original).