Cathedral of San Rufino
The Cathedral of San Rufino. or Duomo of Assisi. was built for the first time in the eighth century. then rebuilt around the year one thousand. It seems that the place on which arose the Cathedral was the ancient Roman forum Asisium. and specifically the land on which the Bona Mater Temple was located. The Cathedral is in Umbrian Romanesque style. with three rosettes and three portals. The project. work of Giovanni da Gubbio was commissioned by Bishop Chiarissimo around 1134. During the Renaissance the interior of the basilica underwent several restorations by Galeazzo Alessi. The original baptismal font remained. which is said to be the one in which St. Francis. St. Clare and Frederick II of Bavarian Swabia were baptized. From the Cathedral you can also access the crypt belonging to the first structure of the Basilica of San Rufino. commissioned by Bishop Ugo. Another architectural element from that period is the bell tower. The Cathedral of San Rufino is an important place of pilgrimage because of the events that connect directly to the events that the protagonists have seen St. Francis and St. Clare.