A transition Romanesque cathedral (12th and 13th century) with notable Compostelan influences and Cistercian art. It has a Latin cross ground plan. with three naves. a transept of a single nave and an ambulatory which was added later (17th century). On the central section of the transept. a monumental and spectacular dome was erected by Rodrigo de Badajoz in the first third of the 16th century.
Its High Altar was consecrated in 1180 and during the 14th and 15th century its architecture is completed.
Built on a Latin cross ground plan. it possesses three naves separated by cruciform pillars. folded and pointed arches. impregnated with a Romanesque transition to the Gothic style. with later Renaissance. Baroque and Neoclassical elements.
It was declared a national monument on June 3rd. 1931 and. in 1887. it was made a Basilica. Cathedral's website
Worth mentioning. we must name the High Chapel. the Chapel of the Holy Christ. the Portico of Paradise. inspired by the portal of the Compostela Glory. and with its restored polychromy and the Cathedral Museum. However. the entire cathedral deserves visiting. starting with the ambulatory. which consists of several chapels. among which we must highlight that of the Assumption or the Argiz. which inside houses the chapel of the Cristo de los Desamparados (image Romanesque 1200); or on the north side. the chapel of the Virgen de las Nieves (sixteenth century). Outside we can also stop at each cardinal point. The North door was renovated at the end of the 15th century after the attack made by the Count of Benavente. The western door (Plaza de San Martiño) is in theory the main one. but until the end of the twentieth century it lacked access stairs. That is why it still conserves the original façade with additions from the 16th century. It is flanked by the bell tower and the unfinished tower of San Martiño. The South Gate (Plaza do Trigo. access point to the cathedral) also retains its original appearance. even with defensive elements. only broken by the addition of the clock tower (16th century). And finally. it is also worthwhile to stop here to admire the views of the apse.