Declared a Historical-Artistic Ensemble. It was an old Benedictine monastery. built in the 12th century with donations from Alfonso VII. It has a nave with a basilical floor plan and a gabled roof. The façade has a front. protected by a portico. with three semicircular archivolts arranged radially. supported on three pairs of columns kneeling in the door jambs. In the first archivolt there are twenty-six characters. in the second fifteen and in the third fourteen. There are several column statues. The tympanum contains several figures depicting biblical characters and. in the keystone. appears The Savior. Flanking this ensemble are two rose windows and two windows. The Last Supper is depicted on the southern façade. on the tympanum. There are two unequal towers. the highest of which is crowned by a hexagonal lantern.
It has altarpieces. images and paintings representing the seven deadly sins.