15.- Church of Santa Cristina de Lena
We do not know the exact date on which the construction of Santa Cristina took place. but many authors argue that it was probably built during the second half of the 9th century or in the first years of the 10th century. The main arguments for this are based on the fact that some of its capitals and ornaments have a clear similarity with others of the temple of Santa María de Naranco. built in 848 DC. from which it can be deduced that there is not a great difference in time between the time of both constructions. The century of its construction is enough reason to preserve it. such as it is the shortage of contemporary buildings. but it also contains other characteristics that increase its historic and archaeological value.
The hermitage of Santa Cristina presents in its structure such an original organism. that taking into account the epoque in which it was built and its meagre size. it is not possible to find an example that surpasses it in Spain. The greater area of the temple. which constitutes its nave. has a rectangular form. and is barely 7 metres of length by 4.7 metres of width. This area. prolonged to make room for the presbytery. is joined by four quadrangular and protruding bodies. placed symmetrically at the ends of the axes; that of the feet of the church serves as a vestibule. the opposite serves as a dressing room or a chapel. and the two lateral ones have been used as a sacristy. This arrangement gives the plan a cruciform shape. and its picturesque nature is increased by 38 prismatic buttresses reinforcing the outer walls.
The variety of lines and lack of monotony is even more noticeable on the interior. The presbytery. which rises more than one meter above the normal floor. is separated from the nave by three arches. which support three others. and the intermediate area occupied by a wall of ashlar.