32.- Church of San Salvador in Valdediós
The church of San Salvador is one of the most important Pre-Romanesque constructions of the Kingdom of Asturias. due to the patronage of King Alfonso III. It presents a basilica ground plan. a narthex and a tripartite front. lateral enclosures. a body attached to the outward looking southern front and a portico attached to the southern wall. The interior areas are all vaulted. the naves are separated by semi-circular arches that are supported by square-section columns. In the meantime. the entrance arches to the abbatial chapels are supported by marble and porphyry columns with leafy capitals. In the space of the narthex there is a tripartite tribune. The building gets a lot of light through many openings. some of which are topped with horseshoe arches supported by columns with decorated capitals. All of the upper ensemble is finished with the classical alfiz (an architectonic adornment) of Mozarabic influence. The openings of the portico are closed with geometrical and vegetal latticework. On the gable there is a carved cross which is a particular feature of Alfonso III. On the inside. some paint remnants with geometrical. vegetal. stylized. mystical (various types of crosses) and architectonic themes are preserved. There are also some anthropomorphic motif remnants.